Points System for External Applicants

(Proof is required. The proof should be evidence that the offence has been reported to the police or similar)

  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual, racial and other harassment

If these are sufficiently serious to have been reported to the police or similar

  • 50 points
  • Otherwise 20 points
  • Severe state of repair – Closing Order
    16 points
  • Bad state of repair -leaking roof, dry rot, damp
    8 points
  • Poor state of repair – inadequate heating, condensation
    3 points

Each bedroom required above present accommodation – 15 points

People are given points according to whether they share amenities with people not included on the allocation form.

  Lack    Share with 4 or more people Share with 1 to 3 people
Sink                         5                             3 2
Separate kitchen 2 2 1
Bath or shower 2                             2 1
Inside WC 2 2 1
Outside WC                                           2 1


Insecurity points are awarded if probable homelessness is through no fault of the person concerned. (e.g. points would not be awarded if insecurity is caused by rent arrears or anti-social behaviour). Only one category is allowed. (PROOF IS REQUIRED)

Where an Eviction Warrant has been served from the applicant’s current address or the applicant is roofless
30 points

Where a Court Order for possession has been granted against the person’s present address
20 points

Where an effective Notice to quit has been served on the person’s present address
15 points

10 points

Lodging / living with friends / sleeping on friend’s floors
10 points

Short life licence
10 points

(Proof is required for all three categories. This should take the form of a doctor’s letter)

These circumstances include not only health problems, but also mental or physical disabilities or frailties suffered by you or members of your family who live with you.

Do you or a dependant, have a serious illness or disability made significantly worse by current living conditions and requiring rehousing as part of the medical treatment? If yes:
(This claim must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter stating that the condition is specifically made worse by current housing )
50 points

Do you or a dependant have an illness or disability which could be improved by a move e.g. Asthma or angina whereby you can manage in your present accommodation but the quality of life could be improved by a move. If yes:
(This claim must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter describing the condition)
20 points

Breakdown of relationship where children are involved, and the transfer applicant will have 50% custody of the children
15 points

Breakdown of relationship where children are involved, and the transfer applicant will have less than 50% custody of the children.
10 points

For every year spent on London Borough of Lambeth’s Housing List
1 point

Extreme urgency of need relates to tenants whose ability to continue living in their accommodation is possible in the short term but who need to be rehoused as their housing circumstances are resulting In severe difficulties in day to day life. These may be circumstances that have not been specifically mentioned on this form
Up to 10 points

Social recommendation related to those tenants who would benefit from a move but who can manage in the existing accommodation. These may be social circumstances not mentioned on this form.
Up to10 points

Points System for Internal Applicants

(Proof is required. The proof should be evidence that the offence has been reported to the police or similar).

  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual, racial and other harassment

If these are sufficiently serious to have been reported to the police or similar:

50 points

If they are not reported to the police but the Co-op’s Complaints Policy has been activated:

20 points

Note: In both cases the Allocation Panel will need to be assured that a move will alleviate the situation (e.g. a move two doors away may not change the circumstances.)

It should be clear that whenever a tenant suffers harassment or violence a report should be made to the police and the Co-op’s Complaints Policy should be activated. There are other ways of dealing with such a situation apart from a move within the Co-op.

Bad state of repair –for example leaking roof, dry rot, damp:

8 points

Poor state of repair – for example inadequate heating, condensation:

5 points

Note: all Co-op properties are in roughly the same condition. Tenants are expected to report any problems, major or minor to Maintenance. If a tenant claims points for a ‘bad’ or ‘poor’ state of repair, Membership should verify this with Maintenance.

Each bedroom required above present accommodation:

25 points

Each bedroom occupied above present needs:

Note: the phrase ‘bedroom required’ refers to the Co-op’s own guidelines

25 points

People are given points according to whether they share amenities with people not included on the allocation form.

Share kitchen, toilet and/or bathroom with 4 or more people (who are not on the allocation form):

10 points

Share kitchen, toilet and/or and bathroom with 1-3 people(who are not on the allocation form):

5 points

If the household applying for transfer has children:

5 more points

Note: The group of people on the allocation form, applying as a single household, score only once. If two or more people from different properties are applying together in order to become a single household, the points are granted for the individual who scores highest

(Proof is required for all three categories. This should take the form of a doctor’s letter)

These circumstances include not only health problems, but also mental or physical disabilities or frailties suffered by you or members of your family who live with you.

Do you or a dependant, have a serious illness or disability made significantly worse by current living conditions and requiring rehousing as part of the medical treatment? (This claim must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter stating that the condition is specifically made worse by current housing) If yes:

50 points

Do you or a dependant have an illness or disability which could be improved by a move e.g. Asthma or angina whereby you can manage in your present accommodation but the quality of life could be improved by a move. (This claim must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter describing the condition) If yes:

20 points

Breakdown of relationship where children are involved, and the transfer applicant will have 50% custody of the children:

15 points

Breakdown of relationship where children are involved, and the transfer applicant will have less than 50% custody of the children:

10 points

If the applicant or one of the group of applicants (i.e. an adult member of the household or couple) is not in a subgroup (and has not been granted leave of absence or is doing a job in lieu) or has attended for less than 50% of subgroup meetings during the previous 12 months:

Minus 10 points

If a member is exempt, but has from time to time helped out when it is possible for them:

5 points at panel’s discretion

50-60% attendance at subgroup:

5 points

60 – 80% attendance at subgroup:

10 points

60% plus MC or other responsible task:

20 points

Each adult applying for a property should be awarded points for participation individually, and the points should be totalled. If a single parent is in direct competition with two adults (with or without children), the single parent should be awarded points for participation, then these should be doubled.
Note: Membership keep a record of subgroup attendance. MC and GM attendance can be ascertained from the minutes. The Convenor of the subgroup to which the applicant belongs should always be consulted, as they should be aware of the degree of participation of the applicant (i.e. possibly work between meetings make up for having missed meetings).

No points are awarded for this. It is used as a tie-breaker, and should take into account time spent waiting (for example in overcrowded circumstances) even if not on a formal transfer list.

Extreme urgency of need relates to tenants whose ability to continue living in their accommodation is possible in the short term but who need to be rehoused as their housing circumstances are resulting in severe difficulties in day to day life. These may be circumstances that have not been specifically mentioned on this form:

Up to 10 points

Social recommendation related to those tenants who would benefit from a move but who can manage in the existing accommodation. These may be social circumstances not mentioned on this form:

Up to 10 points

Points System for External Applicants pdf Points System for Internal Applicants pdf