About Vine Housing Co-op
This section tells you about us and how we are structured, our history and our local community.
You can also find out about applying to join the Co-op.
This section tells you about us and how we are structured, our history and our local community.
You can also find out about applying to join the Co-op.
The Co-op is run by its members. We have a bottom-up structure based on subgroups who send representatives to a management committee. All members meet at general meetings to discuss and decide on major issues.
The Co-op has policies and procedures to guide us in managing and improving our housing. They are designed to promote fairness, good governance and the best allocation of our resources as well as complying with requirements of our regulators.
37 Bonnington Square, London SW8 1TF
Email: contact@vinehousingcoop.org.uk
Telephone: 07367 787355
Our Co-op Co-ordinator works part-time and office hours vary. Please phone or email to arrange a visit.