
In order to participate in the decision making and day to day running of the Co-op, it is part of the attendance policy that all Co-op members are required to belong to a subgroup and attend meetings.

We do our best to ensure disabled members can fully participate in meetings, which are always wheelchair accessible. Online meeting facilities are also available, including captioned or transcripted services.

If a member has difficulties in attending meetings due to other commitments, there are alternatives such as doing work for the subgroup at other times. Exemptions are made for those with serious health problems, and leave can be granted for fixed periods, e.g. new parents or studying away from home.

Meetings are held in the first 2 weeks of each month, usually but not always in the Co-op office. Each sub-group has a convenor, a minute-taker and two Management Committee (MC) representatives. Sometimes someone holds two positions within a subgroup (e.g. the minute-taker may also be an MC rep).

A meeting needs to have a minimum of 2 people in order for the meeting to take place. If there are not enough people for the meeting to take place the convenor should rearrange the meeting.

Usually a meeting will follow a standard agenda:

  • Attendance and Apologies
  • Matters arising from the previous meeting (e.g. an update on an outstanding issue)
  • New issues to be discussed (including any items that have been placed in the sub-group box in the office)
  • Matters arising from the previous MC
  • Matters to go to the next MC or GM
  • Time and place of next sub-group meeting

The Co-op has not purchased or developed new properties for many years, but we actively seek to make the most of our existing homes. The Development Subgroup identifies current and future improvements to Vine properties, ensuring that all tenants have equal access to improvements. Areas of improvement include:

  • Energy efficiency and other green initiatives
  • Noise management
  • Security
  • Health & Safety and Fire Prevention
  • Storage
  • Water conservation
  • General practical improvements
  • Disability adaptations

Projects in recent years have included the provision of double glazing for all units, the installation of solar power panels on all south-facing roofs, loft extensions to give more space, the building of ramps for wheelchairs, various forms of soundproofing, bicycle storage, and enhanced roof insulation.The Subgroup works with contractors, tenants and the Co-ordinator to complete improvements within cost and time constraints.

Development also reviews housing policy, design and specifications in order to keep up with changing requirements of both tenants and budgets.

Finance Subgroup’s role is one of keeping an overview of the co-op’s financial position and policy making. It is funds from our rents and other income that we are managing and we need to ensure that this is done responsibly so that we can:

  • Pay for all our maintenance requirements
  • Set reserves aside for future major repairs
  • Repay the mortgages
  • Pay our worker and administrative costs
  • Cover building and other insurance
  • Pay for training co-op members
  • Cover any legal expenses that we may incur.

We are therefore responsible for overseeing the annual co-op budget. Rents are set on the basis of this budget, within government restrictions, so that all out costs can be covered, but the co-op does not make a profit. The levels of reserves held for the long-term maintenance of our houses are also reviewed regularly, as are the placement of funds in suitable savings or investment accounts.

The day to day keeping of all financial records, preparing regular reports, liaising with auditors, paying invoices and expenses, and recording rents are the responsibility of the Co-ordinator.

The Treasurer is a member of Finance and is an officer elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Training in areas like this, where special skills are required, is available and encouraged.

The HM Subgroup is responsible for recording and monitoring the payment of rents, with the assistance of the Co-ordinator. A monthly Rent Report is presented to the Management Committee and a quarterly rent report to the General Meeting. It also pursues rent arrears and helps tenants who are having problems with housing benefits.

The subgroup liaises with Finance to calculate new Co-op rents each year. These are presented to a General Meeting and one month’s notice is given before rents go up at the beginning of the financial year.

The subgroup issues tenancy agreements and advises new tenants on the terms of their tenancy (including how to pay the rent) and explains tenants’ rights and responsibilities. We also receive tenants’ notice when tenants leave their accommodation. The sub-group, together with the Co-op worker, maintains records for each tenancy, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained.

The subgroup deals with requests from tenants for lodgers, transfers, mutual exchanges and other changes. Under special circumstances it may recommend a Management Transfer of a tenant from one property to another; such recommendations are put to the MC for agreement.

The subgroup responds to requests from tenants for assistance in various other housing matters and deals with more ‘social’ issues such as disagreements between tenants, following our policies and procedures relating to complaints and anti-social behaviour.

The Welfare Officer is a member of Housing Management and acts as the first point of contact for members with a range of housing-related problems, including complaints.

The Maintenance Sub-group has the responsibility for maintaining the properties on both a day-to-day and a cyclical basis. The sub-group works closely with the Co-op Co-ordinator.

Cyclical Maintenance involves a five-yearly survey of properties, leading to works to maintain the outside of the buildings and the communal hallways.

Day to day Maintenance involves keeping fixtures and fittings in a good state of repair.

Planned Maintenance involves assessing and agreeing major refurbishements, such as kitchens and bathrooms and other long term maintenance needs.

The Sub-group liaises with contractors and employs different contractors for different jobs. It holds a list of the Co-op’s regular contractors.

When repairs are needed, Co-op members contact Maintenance who work with the Co-ordinator to assess what is needed and then ensure they are completed within a reasonable time and to a good standard.

When a tenancy ends or when there is a mutual exchange, Maintenance surveys the vacated property (with Housing Management), to ensure it has been left in good condition and decide what long term repairs or refurbishments are appropriate, within our long-term repairs plans and policies.

Maintenance ensures that our properties continue to meet Decent Homes Standards. (link to information on the National Housing Federation’s Decent Homes Standards?)

How to report a repair

The Membership subgroup is the first point of contact for people wishing to join the Co-op.

The Subgroup’s major responsibility is for the induction and training of new members. The Group arranges a new members’ meeting and ensures that new members have an experienced Co-op member as a “twin” to help explain how the Co-op works.The Group is responsible for announcing the names of prospective members to the General Meeting for acceptance into the co-op, for issuing their Share Certificate and using the co-op seal on each new certificate.

Membership subgroup advertises all units that become available for allocations or transfer and helps applicants to fill in their application forms. The actual allocation is done by an Allocations Committee who report to Membership.

Membership fields enquiries from people who wish to join the Co-op, and application forms are sent out to suitable candidates for review. We also maintain the Co-op’s Waiting List.

Membership keeps a record of all members’ meeting attendance (both for General Meetings and for sub-group meetings), reminds members if their participation in the Co-op is not sufficient, and notifies the Management Committee if members fail to participate without valid reason. We also consider excusals from participation, both short and longer-term.

Resignations from the Co-op are sent to Membership subgroup who notify the Management Committee and a General Meeting, and cancel the relevant Share Certificate.

It is the responsibility of P&PR to ensure that the Co-op is following its policies and rules and to propose new policies if they seem necessary. P&PR maintain the Co-op’s website, which contains all the policies that have been agreed at General Meetings.

Our policies reflect the interests of Co-op members, guarantee equal access for all members, old and new, to opportunities and information, and encourage their involvement an participation in the running of the

P&PR organise events and publicise the activities of the Co-op to members, and to people living in Bonnington Square and Vauxhall Grove and others who are not members but may be interested in what is going on. The group liaises with other Co-ops and relevant organisations.

The sub-group assesses training needs and organises training as required.

The Co-op Secretary is a member of P&PR, and has responsibility for Minutes of Committee Meetings and of overseeing the documentation of the Co-op.