Personnel Committee
The Committee’s areas of responsibility are:
A. Relating to the functions of the Co-op as an employer:
- Recruitment and selection of paid employees of the Co-op
- Setting and monitoring the terms and conditions of work
- Ensuring employees are properly trained
- Ensuring adequate support and supervision for employees
- Dealing with grievance and disciplinary matters relating to employment
- Ensuring lines of communication between employees and Co-op members, subgroups and the management committee are clear and functioning well
- Monitoring and recommending clarification of demarcations between the work of employees, Co-op members, the Management Committee, subgroups and general meetings
- Managing office equipment and the physical environment of employees.
B. Relating to the role of facilitating communication and decision-making in the Co-op:
- To maintain an overview of the work of subgroups through regular discussion of the impact of Co-op structures and practices on the work of employees.
- To offer advice and suggestions to subgroups, the MC and the GM about the effective running of the Co-op from the point of view of the Committee
- With the agreement of the MC, to take initiatives and follow up discussions held within the Co-op in order to develop the Co-op’s ability to work effectively.
The Personnel Committee is made up of three to five people:
- The current Co-op GM Chair and/or the Co-op Secretary.
- Up to three Co-op members with knowledge of the work of sub-groups particularly Maintenance, Housing Management or Finance subgroups.
- One MC member with an interest in personnel matters from any sub-group.
Any Co-op member can be co-opted to the Committee for periods up to one year. The Committee members (aside from Co-op officers) are elected by the Co-op at the AGM, and members can also be co-opted by the Committee between AGMs.One of the Committee members will act as a convenor and keep minutes of any meetings. Minutes of meetings will be held in the Co-op office and be available to any member.