Management Committee

The Management Committee (MC) is made up of a Chair, a Minute Taker and two representatives from each of the six sub-groups. It is responsible for the overall management of the Co-op and for co-ordinating the work of the subgroups.

The other Co-op officers and the Co-ordinator are also invited to attend. It meets monthly, with an agenda made up of reports from subgroups of their work, with items put forward for discussion, information or decision.

MC representatives and co-op officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Co-op aims for membership of the MC to reflect the diversity of our members.

Atendance and Participation

1.  All elected MC members are expected to attend. The quorum (excluding Chair and minute taker) is 6 members from 3 different  sub-groups. The Co-op Co-ordinator also attends regularly. 

 2.  Co-options:  If a sub-group representative is unable to attend an MC meeting, the sub-group sends a substitute who is accepted by the MC as a voting representative for that single meeting, and may make up a quorum.

 3.  If a sub-group representative resigns before the next AGM, the sub-group nominates a substitute, who is officially co-opted by the MC.  Their names are recorded as above. It has not been the practice in Vine Co-op to co-opt outsiders, although this is referred to in Rule 24 of the Co-op Rules.

 4.  Any Co-op member may attend an MC meeting and may contribute to the discussion, but only elected and co-opted members may vote.  However, the Chair may decide that MC members only should be present for some items.