Relation Between Chair, Secretary and Minute Taker



Minute Taker

Finalises agenda with the secretary.

Supports the Chair in creating the Agenda and ensures that there’s continuity in Agenda items -to avoid issues being forgotten. Distributes the Agenda a week before the meeting.

Agrees a method of taking the minutes with the Chair and members.

Receives apologies, ensures there will be a quorum.

Records apologies, absences and attendance.

Ensures the meeting covers the agenda and checks with the minute taker so that decisions can be minuted clearly.

Ensures that everyone has a chance to speak.

Ensures that all relevant documents are available.

Records decisions taken (with numbers for and against) and other information as agreed, pausing the meeting if necessary to agree wording.

Prevents arguments or irrelevant considerations which divert from the topic.

Agrees with chair what to record if this occurs. Offensive or damaging statements should not be recorded verbatim.

Leads the discussion and moves the meeting on according to the schedule, and ensures that decisions are arrived at that can be carried out.

Minutes should be ‘a true, fair and accurate record of the meeting which can be made available as a certified copy to outside bodies’.

Ensures that it is clear to subgroups who has undertaken to do which tasks.

Checks and approves minutes for distribution.

Checks and approves minutes. Organises distribution, preferably before the next round of sub-group meetings starts.

Makes the minutes available to Chair and secretary as soon as possible after the meeting.

Governance policy

MC June 2016