Privacy Policy


We in Vine Housing Cooperative take our privacy seriously. We care how information about us is used and shared and we do that carefully and sensibly. Vine Housing Co-operative is committed to ensuring that all personal information is held solely to enable the Co-operative to deliver its functions as a Landlord.
The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018 replacing the Data Protection Act 1998. This objective of this policy is to comply with the new regulation.

In order for us to lawfully process personal information, all Vine members must confirm that they are happy with the ways in which the Co-op uses our personal information. A summary of what information we collect, what we do with it and who it will be shared with is included below.

Principles of the GDPR

The GDPR seeks to uphold 6 principles when processing individuals personal data. This covers the collection, storage and use of data held. If misused, this breaches individual’s rights for their personal data to be protected. The 6 principles are:

  • Personal data must be processed fairly, lawfully and transparently;
  • Personal information collected must be used for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
  • Data held must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purpose;
  • Data must be accurate and up to date;
  • Data must not be kept longer than necessary; and
  • Personal information must be processed in a way that ensures security of data against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

What information does the Co-op collect?

The Co-op collects full name, telephone number, email address and property details from its members and from other individuals living in Vine houses (eg children and partners of Vine members). It also collects details from people accepted on to the waiting list and applicants from outside the Co-op.

Why does the Co-op collect this information?

The Co-op collects full name, telephone number, email address and property details in order to maintain the current and prospective membership/tenant list and to enable members to participate in the management of the Co-op.

The Co-op sometimes has occasion to collect more sensitive information from some members. In these cases the data is kept securely and destroyed after a given time. This is specified in the Co-op’s policies.

What does the Co-op do with this information?

Members’ contact information is used to share news and information about the Co-op.The information will only be shared with third parties when they are required to perform work on the property such as plumbing, electrical, decorative or building maintenance.

What does the Co-op not do with this information?

  • Pass personal information to any third parties (other than those detailed above)
  • Opt members into any mailing lists automatically
  • Spam members

How long does the Co-op keep hold of this information?

The Co-op keeps members’ information as long as they are members/tenants of the Co-op.In some cases, the co-op will keep data after a tenancy has ended, b ut this is only in cases where a debt is left on the rent account. It keeps information on others for as long as they are living in Vine houses, or are on the waiting list. It keeps sensitive information for the time specified in its policies.

How does the Co-op protect personal information?

  • The Co-op has strict security measures to protect personal information.
  • The Co-op maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personally identifiable member/tenant information.

How can I access the information the Co-op holds on me, correct it or have it deleted?

Anyone may contact the Co-op’s Data Protection Manager to:

  • obtain a record of the information held about them.
  • ensure that personal information is accurate and up to date, and correct information that is inaccurate.

The Co-op has an obligation to keep personal information for as long as individuals are members or residents. Anyone can have their personal data deleted under the “right to be forgotten” unless they are a current member or living in a co-op property, or in the event of a previous member having outstanding debt on their rent account.

Other information collected

Some information is collected from contractors and others employed by the Co-op. The Co-op holds a list of approved contractors, which is kept in its office, and is available for members. Contractors are made aware of this procedure.


If you have any complaints, please write to the:

Data Protection Manager
37 Bonnington Square
SW8 1TF.

If you have raised a complaint with about Data Protection issues and are still dissatisfied, you may look to resolve it through the Welfare Officer via Housing Management or you may report your concern directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113; via email or at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

If you would like any more information or have any comments about the Co-op’s privacy policy, please contact: Data Protection Manager c/o P&PR,

Governance Policy

Agreed GM March 2019