Notes for Minute Takers

1. Above all, the minutes are a record of what happened at a meeting and a clear statement of what decisions were taken.

2. Minutes should be presented so that they are clear to an outsider to the Co-op (for example the Tenants Services Authority) whenever they need to read them.

3. Minutes are usually read alongside Agendas, and need not necessarily reproduce Agenda items in full.

4. Items for decision: The wording of the decision and the process of the debate should be clear. eg:

‘The following amendments were proposed: [wording of the amendments]. The first was rejected, the second agreed. The following decision was accepted: [wording of the full decision]’

5. Items for discussion: If an item is discussed it would helpful if the minute noted:

‘Item x. There was a detailed discussion. The following points were made….It was agreed [e.g: to put this issue to the General Meeting for further discussion] or [eg: that x sub-group should consider it further] or [eg: that x should write a letter] (or whatever the outcome was).’

6. Items for Information: It is sufficient to minute that, for example,

‘This month’s rent report was noted’ and, if necessary add, ‘HM added that…..and, for the next meeting will….. (whatever).’

7. Items not discussed: It should be minuted:

‘Item x was not discussed, and deferred to the next MC (or whatever)’

8. Items not on the Agenda: It should be minuted

‘x subgroup apologised for not submitting their report on time and gave a verbal report. Points included…..’

9. Because the minutes are a record of what happened at a meeting, minutes should be in the past tense. Phrases like ‘the Co-op should’; ‘P&PR will’ ‘HM suggest’ are not appropriate. They should be phrased as:

‘The meeting asked x (subgroup) to do (this or that task….)’
‘P&PR agreed to do (whatever…)’
‘HM’s suggestion that….was discussed..’

10. The names of those who put proposals forward should be omitted but the names of those who undertake actions should be included.

Agreed at GM March 2010