New Tenancies Policy

When a vacancy occurs

1. When there is a vacant property in the Co-op, or when notice is given to Co-op in writing, HM, Maintenance, Development and Membership should be notified. “A member leaving the co-op should give written notice to Housing Management, Membership and the Administrator”

If HM and Membership recommend a transfer, the recommendation will be put to the MC for agreement. Transfer and mutual exchange policy

If Development propose adaptations to the property, the proposals will be put to the MC and, if agreed, the Development policy will be followed. Improvements policy

2. If no transfer is agreed, Membership initiate the allocation procedure (see Allocation Policy). When the procedure is completed and agreed by the MC, Housing Management assigns a representative to liaise with the successful applicant and with Maintenance.

Before the outgoing tenant moves:

3. Meanwhile Maintenance survey the unit which is to be vacated and ensure that its condition is properly evaluated and recorded. They create a ‘Unit Survey Record Sheet’ which helps them to identify necessary works prior to a new tenant moving in. This should also provide information on the unit’s amenities, services and appliances in relation to their age and use.

4. HM & Maintenance organise a ‘tenancy compliance check’ (or ‘pre-void’ check) before the outgoing tenant(s) leave(s). Works that are the outgoing tenant’s responsibility are identified, and works that are the Co-op’s responsibility are identified. General Maintenance, DIY, etc Policy

5. The outgoing tenant is expected to make good any minor damage to walls etc (such as screw holes, tack holes) and will be reminded of this requirement. If there is significant (non-accidental) damage to the unit, Maintenance inform HM before the outgoing tenant moves. HM will decide what action should be taken to comply with the Tenancy Agreement (5.9: 5.11: 5.19). Provision should be made for the Co-op to repair and touch up at the outgoing tenant’s/tenants’ expense if the outgoing tenant(s) fail to comply with this condition of their tenancy. Maintenance Handbook

It may be useful to have the allocatee and the departing tenant meet before the moving in/out date so they can discuss whether shelving /carpets etc can be left, or may be removed.

After the outgoing tenant moves:

6. After the tenant moves out, Maintenance check whether the outgoing tenant has completed any remedial works required and left a clean and empty flat. If there are any problems HM is informed and additional works are added to the Maintenance list. If relevant the outgoing tenant will be expected to cover the cost.

7. The unit is checked against the 30 year plan for kitchen, bathroom, boiler, electrics, flat roof & window installation dates. The whiteware & furniture fund are checked to ensure that all items belonging to the flat are there and to see if funds are available for remedial works.

8. A schedule of works is drawn up and approved by Maintenance or Development, in liaison with the allocatee and others who may be affected by the work. They identify and organise relevant contractors who begin work, and a specified contact person is assigned from the Maintenance or Development sub-groups. When works are carried out on a vacated Vine property, it is the job of this contact person to liaise with our administrator and any contractors who are employed, as well as the incoming tenant. (An exception to this may be small routine jobs where the tenant may simply liaise with the administrator). Incoming tenants will be consulted on the proposed timing of the work, bearing in mind that other factors may determine the actual timing -in particular the contractors’ other commitments and on the list of works to be done. (See below for details of surveys covering issues which may affect vacant properties). (see below for a list of points to be checked).

While the work is being done:

9.The designated Maintenance contact person will liaise between the prospective tenant, the contractor and our administrator. Prospective tenants’ requests for additional work or amendments to a job should be discussed with Maintenance and the designated HM liaison person, not with the contractor directly.

Redecoration, as specified within the Maintenance Policy, should be carried out to the new tenant’s specification. It may be necessary to delay the start of the new tenancy for this to be done. Maintenance Handbook

Taking up the tenancy:

10. The new tenancy can begin when the works are completed and approved. Prospective tenants and Maintenance subgroup need to be satisfied with the quality of the work.

11. Before the tenant(s) move in the tenancy agreement should be signed: two copies should be signed by the new tenant(s) and also by an HM rep. One copy is kept by tenant and one in HM files.

The keys to the property will be given to the new tenant when the formalities are completed.

The survey of the unit(s) / room(s) will take the following form:

Plumbing: any signs of leaks or other faults
Electricity: the functioning of all light and power sockets should be tested, the consumer switchboard should be inspected, any installed electrical devices such as humidistat fans should be inspected
Gas: all gas appliances should be inspected by the Gas Board
Fire Safety Equipment: (fire alarms, smoke detectors, etc) these should be tested
Whiteware: the inventory of whiteware should be checked; whiteware should be tested
Furniture: the inventory of Co-op owned furnishings should be checked;
fitted cupboards should be inspected
Flooring: the state of wear of all floorings should be inspected, particular attention being paid to potential hazards such as worn carpets on stairs, etc
Windows: all windows should be checked for soundness and function
Fittings: the state of repair of all fittings (doors & handles, banisters, storage cupboards, shelving, etc) should be checked
Plasterwork: all plasterwork should be checked for cracks, screw and nail holes and other damage
Paint: an assessment should be made of the state of the decorative finish in the
unit / room(s) (The incoming tenant has the right to redecorate. In addition the
Co-op might wish to insist that certain work is done)
External: check all guttering, downpipes, flat rooves, door seals, window and
doorsills and the condition of the garden and fence (if relevant)

Agreed at August 2021 GM

Revised to take into account the flow chart provided by HM and Maintenance.

Void Flow Chart