Management Committee Procedures

Note: This account of the Co-op’s MC procedures should be read alongside Section 18 Functions of the Committee of the Co-op’s rules. This lays out the power and legal obligations of the Management Committee in relation to those of the General Meeting. This is an account of the current procedures. The MC has the power to change them.

MC Composition

The MC is made up of a Chair, a Minute Taker and two representatives from each of the six sub-groups. Names are put forward and members are elected at the AGM. Their names are registered with the Financial Control Authority as required by law. Together with the Co-op Secretary, the Treasurer and the GM chair the MC plays an important role in the running of the Co-op.

Attendance and participation

1. All elected MC members are expected to attend. The quorum (excluding Chair and minute taker) is 6 members from 3 different sub-groups. (This is printed on every Agenda).

The Co-op administrator also attends regularly.

2. Co-options: if a sub-group rep is unable to attend an MC meeting, the sub-group sends a substitute who is accepted by the MC as a voting representative for that single meeting, and may make up a quorum.

3. If a sub-group rep resigns before the AGM, the sub-group nominates a substitute, who is officially co-opted by the MC. Their names are recorded as above. It has not been the practice in Vine Co-op to co-opt outsiders, although this is referred to in Rule 24 of the Co-op Rules.

4. Any Co-op member may attend an MC meeting and may contribute to the discussion, but only elected and co-opted members may vote. However, the Chair may decide that MC members only should be present for some items.

For the roles of MC Reps see Vine website under ‘Roles in the Co-op


1. The MC Chair is in charge of compiling the Agenda, in consultation with the Secretary.

2. The Agenda is made up of items submitted by the six Sub-groups and the Personnel Committee. Items are of three basic types:

a. regular reports: The following are expected to submit formal reports: HM (on Rents), Maintenance (on work undertaken), Membership (on membership changes) and Finance (with budget details and financial reports)

b. Items marked FOR DECISION. These are items on which the MC must make a decision.

c. Items marked FOR INFORMATION. These are items of importance to the Co-op -announcements of events, reports on sub-group work, which do not require a decision.

In addition items are occasionally marked FOR DISCUSSION

Each sub-group is expected to report to the MC (even if it says ‘nothing to report this month’).

Reports should include an up-dated list of sub-group members.

In addition the Secretary and the Chair may submit reports; and the Personnel Committee reports on the administrator’s availability and on specific items relating to their work.

Any Co-op member who wants to bring up an issue not represented by their sub-group, or who dissents from their sub-group, can submit an item under AOB.

3. The deadline for submitting items for the MC Agenda is normally 10 days before the meeting. Sub-groups are responsible for ensuring that a Report from their group appears on every Agenda. The Chair may send out a reminder when reports are due, and will contact groups who have not submitted a report. Accepting Agenda items after the deadline is at the Chair’s discretion.

4. Agendas are normally distributed 7 days before the MC. In accordance with a recent MC decision, Agendas are distributed by e-mail. Members with no e-mail access receive printed versions of Agendas and Minutes. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to ensure the Agenda is distributed and to publish it on the Vine Members’ website.

5. MC Decisions

No decisions can be made which are not on the Agenda ‘for decision’, including AOB. (The point is that the whole Co-op should have been informed about what decisions are being put forward).

However, in cases of extreme urgency, for example if an urgent decision must be taken before the date of the next MC, the Chair my decided to make an exception and accept a last minute item.

6. The MC Chair, together with the Secretary, may request clarification or re-drafting, giving guidance if the item is not considered appropriate, but cannot refuse an Agenda item from a sub-group or an individual.

Conduct of meetings

1. The elected sub-group members (and co-opted substitutes) may vote. The Chair, Minute taker and other observers (including Co-op Officers: Secretary, GM Chair and Treasurer, who are encouraged to attend MCs to keep up to date with Co-op business) do not vote.

2. MC members must represent their sub-groups when presenting their sub-group’s items (although they may indicate if this was a majority proposal from the group and if there were dissenting members). When voting on items from other groups, MC members may follow their judgement as elected representatives.

3. The role of the Chair is to ensure that all voices are heard, and to facilitate discussion. The Chair is neutral and does not vote.

4. Personal matters: MC meetings should be business-like, but we recognise that members will air personal views from time to time. Any personal issue which a member thinks should come to the MC but is not related to the member’s sub-group report, should be put forward under AOB.

5. If there is an issue in which an MC member has a personal interest (eg accepting a relative into membership) they should declare this to the meeting for that item. The meeting may decide to exclude them from this section of the meeting.

6. If an AOB item is not on the Agenda, but is deemed to be urgent, it is at the discretion of the Chair to admit it or not. If possible it should be deferred to the following meeting. Making a decision on a very urgent item is the only exception to the rule that no decisions can be made which are not on the Agenda ‘for decision’.

7. Complaints do not come directly to the MC. A complaint should be put to the Welfare/Complaints officer, who is a member of Housing Management and its progress will be reported to the MC by the sub-group (in writing) as specified in the Complaints procedure.


1. Minutes of MC meetings are taken by the nominated Minute Taker. They are checked by MC Chair and Secretary.

2. The Secretary is responsible for circulating the minutes within one week of the MC meeting. Minutes are circulated by e-mail and published on the Co-op private website. Members without e-mail receive printed copies.

3. Printed copies of the minutes are made available at the following MC meeting.

Policy decisions

1. If the MC agrees an item on policy, financial risk, or basic principle it is not finally accepted until it’s discussed and voted on at a GM (see Co-op Rules 18a).

Governance policy

MC February 2015, updated 2021