Furniture policy (until October 2022)
When a property with furniture is void, the Co-op meets the rent loss. This rent loss includes furniture allowance during the void period.
The existing whiteware policy will be extended to include single flats:
1. A one-off grant of £1000 for whiteware will be made available to all single flats and other properties not covered by furniture fund. Gas appliances will be a priority. As there are 31 single flats in Vine Coop the cost will be a total of £31,000 initially to come from undesignated reserves.
2. The expenditure will be financed by a furniture fund element added to the rent of single flat units, to cover initial whiteware purchase, maintenance and replacement costs. (E.g. £3 a week for whiteware per single flat).
3. This will be an optional element to the terms of a tenancy.
4. Priority will be given where we can facilitate the renewal of substandard cookers, washing machines and refrigerators by offering this grant.