Allocations and Appeals Procedure

1.1 The Allocation or transfer procedure starts when:

a. the tenants of a shared unit write to Membership, telling them in advance of a vacancy;
b. Housing Management subgroup write to Membership, telling them of a ‘Notice to Quit’;
c. Development subgroup write to Membership, telling them that work is due to start on a house in 7 months time;
d. When Housing Management inform Membership of a vacancy;
e When Membership recommend reallocation of a unit as a result of a Co-op member losing/not taking up their allocation or transfer;

The Membership sub-group shall then convene a meeting within 7 days of being notified of the pending vacant property to consider the position of the empty property. This is referred to as the ‘initial meeting’. The property shall be advertised to all members as outlined below.

1.2 At the initial Membership meeting, 2 members of Membership subgroup are chosen to organise an allocation or transfer, and to recruit an Allocations Committee of at least three Co-op members who are not members of Membership, from a panel who have undergone Allocations Training. (In an emergency any Co-op member (preferably with previous allocations experience) may be drafted on to the Committee).

A schedule is then agreed for advertising the allocation or transfer, a date set for handing in new transfer forms and for members already on the transfer list to amend their forms. If necessary, a special Membership meeting can be held to do this.

One of the 2 members of Membership organising the allocation must be an experienced member of the Co-op who is familiar with Co-op policy. Their role is to ensure that procedure is properly carried out. They are known as the Designated Members.

2.1 The 2 designated members of Membership send every member of the Co-op a separate Notice advertising the vacancy. Co-op members will be kept informed of possible vacancies/transfers via the MC minutes. All vacancies and allocations will be advertised in the MC minutes.

The Allocation Notice contains:

a) details of the houses or flats that are to be allocated, the size of the property and the recommended number of occupants, as described on the Co-op’s agreed list of properties, and the date they could be occupied.

b) the names and addresses of the two Membership members organising the transfer, who will interview members and offer support in completing and submitting new transfer forms or updating their transfer forms.

c) the closing date for completed transfer forms and amendments to transfer forms to be handed in. This should be 14 days from the time the Notices are sent out.

Before the Allocation meeting:

a) Members of the Membership group interview applicants and offer assistance in filling in the forms. They also point out the “Obligations of the Tenant’ in the Tenancy agreement, especially Clause 5.18 which requires tenants to seek the permission of ‘all other tenants of the Co-operative affected’ if they want to keep a pet.

b) If there is only one applicant for a property, and Membership are satisfied that the conditions are fulfilled, the applicant many be allocated without an Allocations Committee meeting.

c) If no Co-op members apply a notice is then sent to all those on the waiting list (i.e. adult children of Co-op members and those people with close links to the community who have been accepted on to the list).

d) If there is no suitable applicant Membership inform Lambeth Housing and the usual referral agencies. (membership holds a list of these).

e) The Allocation Panel will meet within 7 days of the deadline for handing in of transfer or allocation forms (as appropriate) and amended transfer forms.

3.1 Membership sets up an Allocations Committee of at least three Co-op members, selected from a panel who are not members of Membership, and who have undergone Allocations Training. (In an emergency any Co-op member (preferably with previous Allocations experience) may be drafted on to the Committee). One of these is nominated as Convenor.

The Convenor of this Allocation Committee contacts:

a) a member of Housing Management and/or Finance subgroup who sends up-to-date information relating to arrears of rent and any other payments due to the Co-operative, and bills (in the case of shared houses) to the Allocation Meeting;

b) a member of Membership subgroup who sends up-to-date information relating to memberships under review to the Allocation Meeting. This is usually the Membership Secretary or the Attendance Monitor. If any applicants are under review the Convenor of the Allocations Committee is informed immediately.

c) a Non Voting External Advisor, who is not a member of Vine HC but is an experienced member of another housing Co-op, or an independent housing consultant. (Membership keep a list of suitable people on file.) The External Advisor is sent a copy of the Allocations and Appeals Policy and Procedure and a fee for their expenses is agreed. They do not vote at the Allocation Meeting, and their role is to check calculations of points etc and ensure that these are consistent, and that the Co-operative’s policies have been followed

d) The names of those on the Allocations Committee are kept confidential.

4.1 For self-contained units and unoccupied shared units.

The Allocation Committee includes:

a) a minimum of 3 Co-op members
b) a non-voting External Advisor

4.2 The 2 designated members from Membership interview the applicants and offer support to Co-op members to complete their transfer forms or update their transfer forms.

It is the applicant’s responsibility:

a) to complete a transfer form at any time when they want a transfer to another Co-op property. This form shall indicate the type of property that they wish to be considered for (i.e. one bedroom, two bedroom) and any special requirements – i.e. ground floor. This form shall be given to the Membership Group and a receipt shall be given to the applicant. The applicant’s name is then put on the Transfer List. It will be the job of the transfer co-ordinator of the Membership group to keep the transfer list up-dated and be responsible for the forms.

b) When a vacancy is advertised, those on the transfer list may update their application form. Other applicants should contact the designated Membership members to get an application form and ethnic monitoring form.

c) to arrange a meeting with designated Membership members to fill in the application form;

d) to hand in the completed application form and ethnic monitoring form, or amendments to their existing transfer form, by the closing date given on the Allocation Notice;

4.3 If the Allocation/Transfer is for an occupied shared unit:

It is the Co-operative’s policy to take account of the needs and situation in an occupied shared unit. Therefore a person/s applying to join a household will not have to undergo the standard allocation procedure, but will be interviewed and chosen by the household with the assistance of Membership. Allocation will be subject to rent/membership reports.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to arrange to visit the flat/house and meet the tenants within the specified 28 day period.

For self-contained units and unoccupied shared units

5.1 Responsibilities of members of the Allocation Committee.

5.1.1 The Convenor is responsible for appointing a chair and minute taker. The Chair is responsible for:

a) chairing the meeting;
b) ensuring that the policy and procedures are followed;
c) ensuring that no anecdotal evidence is heard;
d) promoting thorough discussion;
e) ensuring that all points of view are heard.

5.1.2 The minute taker is responsible for:

a) keeping a written record of the procedure of the meeting;
b) keeping a written record of any decisions taken by the meeting.
c) ensuring that the record is typed and signed by the panel members, and a copy put into a folder which should contain all the documents relevant to the allocation (see Membership Handbook for a list of these documents).

5.2 Procedure

5.2.1 Before the Allocation meeting

The Designated Member of Membership:

a) is sent the ethnic monitoring forms of the members seeking transfers and keeps them separately; The forms are not seen by the Allocation Committee;
b) sends a written report to the Allocation meeting on whether any of the members seeking transfers’ memberships are under review.

If a membership is under review, and the applicant has not satisfied the designated member that mitigating circumstances exist, the applicant will not be considered for allocation and they will be notified in writing of this decision.

5.2.2 The member/s of Housing Management and/or Finance:

a) send a written report/s to the meeting about whether any of the members seeking a transfer have arrears of household bills (for shared housing), rent or other payments due to the Co-operative.

If a member seeking a transfer has had more than 35 consecutive days arrears within the last six months and has not satisfied the Housing Management/Finance member that mitigating circumstances exist, and no satisfactory arrangement for the payment of such arrears has been agreed with Housing Management, the applicant will not be considered for allocation and they will be notified in writing of this decision. If the arrears are due to Housing Benefit then the tenant has to provide proof that the arrears have been chased.

For an allocation to applicants from outside the Co-operative, only applicants with an up-to-date rent payment record shall be accepted, unless any arrears can be clearly shown to be caused by a housing benefit claim awaiting processing.

5.2.3 At the Allocation meeting

The Chair of the Allocation Panel:

a) reads out the Statement of Objectives and the Equal Opportunities Policy;
b) reminds the Allocation Panel that they must not speculate beyond the information given by the applicants on the allocation or transfer forms (as appropriate);
c) gets everyone present to sign a Statement of Confidentiality, and reminds them that the names of the applicants and the result of the Meeting are confidential until the whole allocation process is complete;
d) opens the envelopes containing the transfer forms, reads out the names of the applicants and asks the members of the Allocation Committee to declare any interests.

5.2.4 The Convenor of the Allocation Committee then hands out interview sheets to each member of the Committee.

The 7 categories in which their decisions must be made are:

  1. Stress relating to present accommodation
  2. Overcrowding
  3. Security of tenure/Alternative housing prospects (for outside applicants)
  4. Particular Needs relating to housing
  5. Time spent waiting
  6. Participation
  7. Discretionary

5.2.6 The Chair of the committee then explains that each applicant/ member seeking a transfer must be marked according to the information given on their allocation/transfer form. There is one score sheet per applicant/member seeking transfer which the chair will fill in after discussion with the panel.

Members who are already on the transfer list and have had their points allocated will only have them changed if they have supplied new information to support their transfer. However, the form should be checked to ensure that any time-related points are correct.

The allocation is given to the applicant/ member seeking a transfer with the highest score at the end of the meeting.

5.2.7 If members of the Allocation committee are satisfied that the information given on the application / transfer form is genuine, the members then read out their scores. Where an agreement cannot be reached a final decision shall be made by the Feedback Person

5.2.8 The Committee must also decide on a runner-up in case the person allocated decides not to take up the allocation.

5.2.9 The points scoring shall decide the allocation or transfer. If there is a tie, the applicant who has been waiting longest shall be given the property.

5.2.10 The meeting may be adjourned if it is felt necessary to get further information to clarify the points for a new transfer.

6.1 The Convenor of the Allocation Committee writes to the Designated Member of Membership within 24 hours of the meeting informing them of the decision of the Committee.

6.2 The Designated Member writes to the applicants and informs them whether they have been successful or not. If they are successful, this is subject to appeal. The Designated Member points out that any unsuccessful candidate who wishes to appeal must do so within five days. (see Section 7 ‘How membership deals with appeals’). The allocation is also subject to the allocatee agreeing to fulfil all clauses of the Tenancy Agreement.

No reasons are given nor reference made to other applicants or members seeking a transfer.

The successful member must accept or turn down the allocation in writing within 5 days.

6.3 If the successful applicant is from outside the Co-op, they must accept or turn down the allocation in writing, within 5 days (by recorded delivery) of receiving the result of the Allocation Meeting.

6.4 If the person offered the property turns down the allocation, then the runner-up is allocated and notified in writing.

6.5 In either case, the Allocation Application and transfer forms and all other papers from the meeting are collected and kept in a safe place by Membership. All papers are destroyed by Membership, two years after the Allocation Meeting, except for transfer applications still registered with the Co-operative, which shall be returned to the transfer register.

6.6 The Convenor of the Allocation Committee informs Housing Management of the decision. The successful applicant is given the contact details of the relevant Housing Management member. Once the appeal period is up, Housing Management liaise with the successful candidate to arrange the date when the new tenancy will start and to go through the Tenancy Agreement. If the person allocated is from outside the Co-op, Membership must arrange a new members’ meeting so that the allocatee has started the process of becoming a Co-op member before taking up their tenancy.

6.7 Membership report the final result of an allocation for information at the following Membership meeting, Management Committee meeting and General Meeting of the Co-op. Housing Management report the start of a new tenancy to the Housing Management meeting, Management Committee Meeting and General Meeting.

All appeals will be heard by an Appeals co-ordinator and the feedback person from allocation meeting.

7.1 If an unsuccessful applicant or member seeking a transfer wishes to appeal against the decision of the Allocation Committee, they must write to the designated membership member, stating their reasons, within 5 days.

  • The open right of appeal is only available to the original applicants/members seeking a transfer in an allocation.
  • Information obtained in breach of confidentiality may not be used when making an appeal.
  • An appeal will only be granted if errors were made in the allocation procedure which affected the outcome of the allocation decision.

7.2 The Designated Member then contacts an External Advisor and a panel of two other members from a panel who have undergone Allocations Training. (In an emergency any Co-op member (preferably with previous allocations experience) may be drafted on to the Appeals Panel).

7.3 The Appeals Co-ordinator:

a) sets a date for the Appeal Meeting, within five days of the Appeal deadline;
b) contacts the feedback person;
c) tells all applicants there has been an appeal and informs them of the date of the meeting.

7.4 At the Appeal Meeting the members of the panel and the External Advisor sign a statement of confidentiality.

The Appeals Panel is then given all the relevant information:

  • minutes of the Allocation Meeting
  • allocation and transfer forms (as appropriate)
  • the appeal and the report from the External Advisor.

The Appeals Panel decides either to leave the result as it stands or repeat the allocation meeting as soon as possible which is only open to the original applicants.

The Appeals Co-ordinator writes a report giving reasons for their decision to the designated Membership person.

7.5 The day after the Appeal Meeting, the Appeals Co-ordinator informs all applicants of the result of the meeting.

7.6 If the Appeals Panel finds no grounds for appeal, the allocation process is then complete. The successful applicant must accept or turn down the allocation in writing, within 5 days of receiving the result of the Appeal Meeting.

7.7 If the Appeal is successful another allocation meeting is held. The decision of this meeting is final.

8.1 Membership screen all application forms before passing them to the relevant household.

8.2 The household discusses the application forms and informs Membership if any of the applicants are suitable.

8.3 Membership then contact suitable applicants, (visiting them at their homes if necessary) and:

a) explain the allocation procedure;
b) explain how the Co-op works, conditions of membership, etc;
c) assess the housing needs of the applicant;
d) check the applicant’s rent record;
e) arrange a date for a meeting between the applicant and the household.

8.4 A meeting takes place between the household and the applicant, who is accompanied by the Membership member.

8.5 The household informs Membership of its decision in writing, within 5 days of the meeting.

8.6 Membership then write to the applicant.

If the applicant is accepted for allocation by the household, this is reported to the next Membership meeting. Membership then recommend that the applicant goes through the membership procedure and becomes a member of the Co-op. This must be agreed at a Management Committee meeting and a General Meeting of the Co-op.

Membership will arrange twins for accepted applicants, to help their participation in the Co-op.

9.1 Referrals should exceed one applicant/set of applicants per unit. Membership then contact suitable applicants, (visiting them at their homes if necessary) and:

a) explain the allocation procedure;
b) explain how the Co-op works, conditions of membership, etc;
c) assess the housing needs of the applicant.

9.2 Membership complete the allocation form and recruit an Allocation Committee to hold a meeting to allocate an applicant (referral) to the unit using the standard allocation procedure.

9.3 Membership then write to the applicants informing them of the result of the Allocation Meeting.

When an applicant (referral) is accepted for allocation this is reported to the next Membership meeting. Membership then recommend that the applicant goes through the membership procedure and becomes a member of the Co-op, and this must be agreed at a Management Committee meeting and a General meeting of the Co-op.

Membership will arrange twins for accepted applicants (referrals), to help their participation in the Co-op.


Membership Policy
Agreed as amended March 2007