Adult children of Co-op members


A. Children who have lived in the Co-op with their parents or carers and reach the age of 18.

B. Children of Co-op members who are over 18 but have not previously lived in the Co-op.

A. Children who have lived in the Co-op:

A i. Rights to residence
Children who have been living in the Co-op and reach 18 have the right to continue living with their parents or carers, even if they do not become members.

A ii. Membership and tenancy
Children of Co-op members who have been living in the Co-op and reach 18 can apply for provisional membership for a period of one year, under the same terms as all provisional members. After one year, they should either become a full member and join the tenancy of their dwelling, or continue to have non-member status.

B. Children who have not lived in the Co-op

B i. Membership and tenancy
Children of Co-op members who are over 18 and have not lived in the Co-op but would like to do so may apply to go on the Co-op’s Waiting List (see Waiting List Policy). This will be at the discretion of the Co-op and all applicants should be in genuine housing need.

C. Issues around succession

C. i. There is no legal right of succession to a Co-op tenancy. However, the Co-op will consider succession by an adult child after the death of a parent or carer. Normally this will only be available to an adult child who has lived in the Co-op as their sole place of residence for at least six months. They will be required to become a member of the Co-op under the normal terms of Co-op membership..

C. ii. If an adult child is left alone in a property after the death of a parent, this may lead to under-occupation. In this case the Co-op should grant an interim tenancy and offer suitable alternative accommodation to that person, which they may not reasonably refuse. They will be required to become a member of the Co-op under the normal terms of Co-op membership.


Membership policy

Agreed GM December 1999
Amended June 2002, August 2005, July 2020